安全 Building
Campus 安全 Authorities (C.S.A.’S)

If you become aware of any crimes that have not been reported to the Department of 安全, please complete a Campus 安全 Authority report. Completing the web based form will take only a few minutes and your assistance will support the university in maintaining compliance with this federal law. If you have any questions regarding reporting obligations, please contact the Department of 安全 at 321-674-8112.

Campus 安全 Authority Checklist


Has the incident been reported to the Local Police and the Department of 安全?

  • 是的 – No CSA report is required; 参考学生, faculty, or staff to appropriate services if necessary.
  • No – Continue to Step 2.


Does the incident fall under one of the required crime reporting areas of Clery?

  • 是的 – it falls under: homicide, 过失杀人, 抢劫, 性侵犯, 纵火, aggravated assault, 入室盗窃, motor vehicle theft, domestic violence, dating violence, 跟踪, weapon violation, 违反毒品, or liquor law violation.
  • Was it a hate or biased based crime? Continue to Step 3
  • No – No CSA report is required, 参考学生, faculty, or staff to appropriate services if necessary.


Where did the incident take place?

  • On-campus, building or property – Continue to Step 4.
  • Non-campus, public property adjacent to campus – Continue to Step 4.
  • 校外, no affiliation w/ 亚洲博彩平台 property, not adjacent to campus – No CSA report is required, 参考学生, faculty or staff to appropriate services if necessary.


Document as much information as possible regarding the incident. If you are unsure if the incident meets Clery requirements, always report it.


Refer student, faculty or staff to appropriate services if necessary. Disclose to the student that you are a Campus 安全 Authority (see disclosure statement).

Sample CSA statement:

As part of my position on campus, I am a federally mandated campus security authority for the college. I am required to report non-personally identifiable details of this incident to college officials for data gathering. 你的名字, the names of others involved, and any details that could identify you or others will not be included in the report. My report will contain only the information you provide. Do you have any questions? Would you like to see a copy of the report and help me fill it out?
